Kia ora koutou katoa, Greetings & welcome all to another edition of the Enspiral newsletter.
Network Updates
It’s migration time!
We have successfully migrated our chat from Slack to Mattermost, and we’re looking into migrating our handbook. Switching tools on an org level is always a time consuming process and yet it feels like the time is ripe for the switch.
Made by Enspiral
Want to help build a makerspace in Wellington? Check out Whack! 🛠
How would a Burn (Burning Man inspired event) on a sailing ship look like? One of our Enspiralites tested the concept on a 30 metre sailing ship bringing together 21 people. Here’s the documentation ⛵️.
The Semi-Nomad Mastermind is kicking off in Switzerland. 13 people gather for 30 days to create a book about semi-nomadic lifestyle using Cards as the main medium for co-creation. The prototype of the mastermind resulted in the 170 pages book “How To Build A Regenerative Village“. You can follow the documentation live in this twitter thread.
Other goodness
Toha network and the Landbanking Group - great initiatives in the regeneration meets finance space 🌳💰
I fished this card from the original deck that created the How To Build A Regenerative Village book. What a beauty!
Wishing you a delightful day!