Kia ora koutou katoa, greetings & welcome all to another edition of the Enspiral newsletter - the last one in 2023!
Network Updates
Last chance to get your tickets for Enspiral Summerfest in NZ - the twentieth edition of the core heartbeat of our network.
We’re excited to release limited-edition, hand-printed zines – our first edition “How We Organise Summerfest” playbooks, built on decades of strategic & transformational retreat and unconference practice.
PS. We’ll also have some stickers available for sale after Summerfest, and possibly shirts as well (reach out if you know a good print-on-demand provider!)
It’s Cobudget Time!
The long anticipated round of collaborative funding is coming back to Enspiral. We’ll have 20k NZD to distribute between buckets (projects) proposed by anyone inside the network. Very exciting times!
Podcast of the Month
Digital Engagement - Enspiral Podcast with Ulrich Schur and Nick Tucker
In the world of digital connection how to keep your network alive? In this deep dive conversation with Ulrich Schur and Nick Tucker we explore the various facets of engagement, self-organisation, and how it all works (or doesn’t) in Enspiral.
Made by Enspiral
Kevie launched a feedback site helping to shape the future of transportation in Auckland, NZ.
Check out the progress from Silvia’s collection of illustrations: Invisible Moves, Visualised.
Michal keeps building an ecosystem of Cards for Good, which now includes a weekly IRL meetup in Amsterdam (which is open to join if you’re around). You can read about different facets of carrrdification.
Other goodness
Relational Agility Course from the Future of Work
An article about a steward ownership initiative set to create multimillion-dollar boost for NZ charities
An international community for systems change practitioners, to learn from wise teachers and deepen practice in community - The Sanctuary Sangha
This card, inviting to play one of money games, feels appropriate since it’s Cobudget Time:
Put all the cash on the table and anyone can propose any distribution they see fit. When a proposal is made, anyone can object and anyone can propose a different distribution. The process keeps on going until everyone agrees to a proposed distribution.
What money games do you know? We’d love to hear from you.
And since that’s the last newsletter in this year - we wish you a delightful 2024!